InstaReflect is your thinking companion. It helps you understand your thoughts, emotions, opinions, and viewpoints better, so that you become well-rounded and self-aware.

So, what’s the damage?

Well, the price tag depends on where you’re at. If you’re in the good ol’ USA, a year of InstaReflect goodness will set you back a cool $12.99.

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription anytime. Apple’s got all the deets in this article.

Why a subscription instead of a one-time fee?

I’m using OpenAI to power the chat and that costs me each time you hit Send. I get it, nobody likes monthly subscriptions, but it’s the only way for me to keep the lights on.

Who should use InstaReflect?

If you are someone who wants to get to know themselves a little bit better, and who wants to perhaps think a little bit deeper, InstaReflect is for you.

How many reflections can I create?

If you’re rolling with the Pro plan, it’s unlimited! If not, you get to create a limited number of reflections. Currently, it something around 7.

Is my info safe?

Absolutely! When you hit that “Send” button, InstaReflect talks to OpenAI, and they shoot the reply off to you. I keep a track of the number of times Send is hit to track usage frequency. After all, if you aren’t hitting Send enough, the app isn’t doing a very good job, is it? But there’s no way for anyone to know who on earth hits Send.

Can I pitch in some feature ideas?

I’d love that! I’d love to work closely with you to make InstaReflect a fantastic note-taking and self-emailing app. Shoot me an email at